This Job's A Trip! is an American reality television show that aired exclusively on The Travel Channel produced by Brave St. Productions in association with Vocation Vacations. The series was written & directed by Chris Voos and aired for a single season in 2006.
Video This Job's A Trip!
Episodes of This Job's A Trip! featured one male and one female participant with nothing in common except their ideal dream job. After brief interviews, each 'job tripper' was taken from their respective locations to somewhere far away for a shared opportunity to try out their dream job. They were given a series of progressive challenges together to see if they could survive in their ideal profession or if they were better suited for their existing day job. The theme of each episode featured a different dream job and two new participants.
In an interview with Catherine Applefeld Olson of CableFax, Patrick Younge explains the show was picked up as part of an overall strategy to help define The Travel Channel as "passion-based network."
Maps This Job's A Trip!
Multichannel News published a "What's On" review on the show: listed the show alongside other shows that also premiered the same day in history April 27 including The NBC talk show Leave It To The Girls in 1949, The CBS talk show The Sam Levinson Show in 1959, The CBS sports show The Summer Sports Spectacular in 1961, The CBS animated series The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Show in 1976, The NBC drama The Runaways in 1978, The PBS series Cooking Under Fire in 2005, The BET series Season Of The Tiger in 2006 and The VH1 series Celebracadabra in 2008.
TV Guide published an announcement and description of the show
LocateTV also published a page for the show including a full list of episodes:
Zooraft published an article for the premier Rafting Guide episode featuring veteran river guide Mark Zoller:
Announcements for the second Fire Fighter episode were published on two online trade forums. The first for firefighters: and the other for emergency medical technicians:
An Bicycling (magazine) published an article detailing the third Pro Cyclist episode:
The National Outdoor Leadership School trained Andrew Boston who was a participant in the tenth Dog Sled Musher episode which was the subject of an article featured on NOLS - The Leader
External links
- IMDB - This Job's A Trip!:
- Brave St. [Production Company]:
- Vocation Vacations:
- TVtango [Episodes]:
- YouTube [Comedian Episode]:
Source of article : Wikipedia